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Ian Douglas Smith


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  • Corruption was a catalyst to international condemnation in Southern Rhodesia after, the then Prime Minister, Ian Douglas Smith declared the Unilateral Declaration of Independence in 1965.

    Corruption & Unending Problems in Africa 2007

  • Ian Douglas Smith I have said before, and I repeat, we are prepared to bring black people into our Government to work with us.

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2010

  • Quoting his nemesis, Ian Douglas Smith, when he vowed that never would a black man rule the country, Robert Mugabe had vowed that Morgan Tsvangirai would never be allowed to rule Zimbabwe.

    Aloft: The Whythawk Blog 2008

  • Quoting his nemesis, Ian Douglas Smith, when he vowed that never would a black man rule the country, Robert Mugabe had vowed that Morgan Tsvangirai would never be allowed to rule Zimbabwe.

    Aloft: The Whythawk Blog 2008

  • Quoting his nemesis, Ian Douglas Smith, when he vowed that never would a black man rule the country, Robert Mugabe had vowed that Morgan Tsvangirai would never be allowed to rule Zimbabwe.

    Aloft: The Whythawk Blog 2008

  • The late Prime Minister of Rhodesia, Ian Douglas Smith, famously called Mugabe a gangster - and yet within just a few years of the birth of Zimbabwe, we, as members of the populous, began to see the evidence of that statement

    The Bearded Man 2008


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